Jan 1, 2009

A Labour of Love

Labour of love - productive work performed voluntarily without material reward or compensation

There are many ways, every day, that we show our family that we love them. Small and large tokens of our time are given to those we adore.

I remember a day, not so long ago, where I was busy rolling out pizza dough, someone I loved inquired about what I was making? I told them, I was creating pizza with love. Ever had pizza with love?

A few years pass, my husband awakes the next morning to find me still online, researching, just where he left me the night before. :) He asked me, concerned, what was I doing? I let him know that I was lovingly laboring, gaining the knowledge I needed to help my family eliminate an unhealthy diet.

For almost a decade, my researching has dug deeply to unearth the toxic elements that are around us on a daily basis. From power lines to the foods we consume, there are many hours spent learning about these topics.
At first I was in fear, I felt powerless having opened pandoras box in a sense. Then I become pretty mad, furiously so; how dare I be kept in the dark regarding the hazards that can effect my entire family! Just like with many things, the truth is out there, we just have to want to know about it.

After the maddness left, I was then able to do something, which I did. I cleared the cupboards of all that was not fit for consumption. I started using my meat money in the produce section, that was where we spent the largest amount of money, fresh veggies and fruits.

Think about it, what we put in our body will be what we get out of it. Too many diseases have been linked to what we allow to pass thru our lips. What we consume, may consume us in the long run.
I am hoping the information I share here will be a blessing to your home in some way.

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