Jan 1, 2009


Soy was made for consumption during the late Chou dynasty, 1134 - 246 B.C. The Chinese fermented soybeans to create foods similiar to tempeh, natto and tamari.

Many state that since it has been used for years it must be safe to eat, however modern soy foods fermented to neutralize the toxins in the soybeans and are processed in a way that depletes proteins and increases levels of carcinogens.

Soybeans are not loaded with proteins as other beans. Soybeans are deficient in
sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and cystine. During processing they are robbed of lysine. Lysine is an essential amino acid and is necessary for optimal growth in childhood. (yet we have soy formula- is your thinker thinking yet?)

There is a compound in soy that resembles the vitamin B12, however it is not B12, so it cannot be used by the human body; in fact, soy foods cause the body to require more B12.

What's in that bottle?? Soy formula? All soy foods contain trypsin inhibitors; (these are chemicals that reduce the avalibilty of trypsin, an enzyme essential to nutrition.) Trypsin
inhibits protein digestion and adversely affect pancreatic function.

Doctor's would like us to believe that soy is the best preventer for osteoporosis, yet soy causes deficiencies in vitamin D and calcium, both are vital for healthy bones.
And remember, soy is a carcinagen, a substance or agent causing cancer.

Soy has been promoted for women as it raves its many benefits: from bone building to libido enhancing.
What they don't tell you, is that soy is documented for stimulating the growth of estrogen dependent tumors, thyroid problems, autoimmune disorders, low thyroid function...It can prevent ovulation, stimulate the growth of cancer cells, create infertility and lowers testosterone levels in men.

I have found more dangers in this product then benefits. My suggestion is to steer clear of any soy and soy family products.

Educate Yourself

FDA - do a search - soy and dangers of

Dr. Mercola

Worth looking into

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