Jan 30, 2009

You Guessed it!

What's in a name?
There is a lot in the word microwave and the term nuke it, wouldn't you say?

Micro - very small, involving minute quantities

Wave - one of the waves that are propagated by simultaneous periodic variations of electric and magnetic field intensity and that include radio waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays

2 results for: nuke transitive verb
Main Entry: nuke
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): nuked , nuk·ing ,
Date: 1967
1 to attack or destroy with or as if with nuclear bombs
2 microwave

For almost ten years we have survived not having a micrwave in our home. I had been praying about the use of the microwave, as I had recently started my labour of love, educating myself about the dangers in food. One day I went to heat something in my new (less then 6 months) nuker and it and it wouldn't come on. That was my sign! I remember the day we threw it away. We literally, chucked it in the dumpster when we lived at Pax River! Sorta funny now.

Were you aware that microwave cooking is the cause of declined health?

The purpose of the microwave is to heat up food stuffs, however we get the same results using our stove top.
Oh, but not as quickly, you say. So! Were into fast food are we? Gotta think healthy!

If you were to microwave a potato for 30-60 minutes it will become as black as charcoal inside, but on the outside look untouched. It's not that it's been over cooked, the inside of the potato has had its nutrients sucked out. Don't you find that interesting?


That alone should concern us!

I have read that a convection oven can be a great alternative for the microwave. I have yet to find any dangers for the convection, but mega for the microwave. I'm not running out to purchase one, as I like my stove jest' fine.

You can also easily and quickly heat up food, even frozen pasta, by using a saucepan with a lid and a little water, to moisten it from the steam.
If someone is coming home late, and you want to give them warm food when they arrive, put a saucepan lid over the food while it is on a plate. Put the plate of food on a simmering saucepan of water. It will stay warm without drying up.

If you want to cook food, do it the old fashioned ways - it tastes much better and is way healthier that way!

More on the Naughty Microwave

The Proven Dangers of Microwaves

Radiation Ovens - The Proven Dangers Of Microwaves

Thanks for all who played my guessing game.
Those who guessed the answer - Shayna - Denise - Pam - Liz - Lisa -Cindy -Sandy - Mary
I will be mailing out your healthy packages this upcoming week!

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