Jan 27, 2009

Franken Color

I have to share how I feel about this post. At times, it really made me intensely mad to learn all about the stuff they are putting into the food, drugs and beauty paints just to make us prettier. The more I researched the more determined I now am to get the truth out.

The chemical cocktail that makes our food look so pretty comes with certain health risks, ranging from allergies to hyperactivity to cancer and tumors. Why they add lead, arsenic, mercury and other toxins to create such a "pretty" product, we'll never know. We can speculate though ;)

There are two types of color additives: God made - natural and lab made - artificial. We should be eating foods in their closest form naturally.

Some of the artificial color additives can cause asthma, hay fever and certain reactions such as rashes, vomiting, headache, tight chest, hives and worsening of eczema.

Say bye-bye to M&M's!

FD&C Dyes (Dyes used in Food, Drugs & Cosmetic and deemed GRAS by the FDA)
Would you say the below are safe?

This is only a small amount of the additives that are being used. Let's look at a few of the known dangers these primary colors can cause:

RED #40 is the most widely used food dye. Studies show behavioral and neurological effects, it is suspected to cause allergies, certain birth defects and possibly cancer.

YELLOW # 5 is the second most widely used coloring. It causes mild allergic reactions, primarily in aspirin-sensitive persons and cancers.

YELLOW #6 is the third most widely used dye. Industry sponsored animal tests indicated that this dye, causes allergic reactions, tumors of the adrenal gland and kidney. In addition, to different cancers.

BLUE #1 small cancer risk

BLUE #2 lab results- potential brain tumors in male mice

CITRUS RED #2 is placed on the skin of some Florida oranges. Studies indicated that this additive might slightly increase the risk of cancer. The dye does not seep through the orange skin into the pulp. No risk except when eating peel (grating.)

A 1981 industry-sponsored study gave hints of bladder cancer, but FDA reanalyzed the data using other statistical tests and concluded that the dye was safe. Fortunately, this possibly carcinogenic dye is rarely used.

RED #3
The evidence that this dye caused thyroid tumors in rats is "convincing," according to a 1983 review committee report requested by FDA. FDA’s recommendation that the dye be banned was overruled by pressure from elsewhere in the Reagan Administration. Red #3 is also called erythrosine, it is a common food coloring used in many processed foods.

Red # 2 - In 1969, Soviet scientists discovered that long-term usage of Red Dye #2, even at the low dosages found in foods, caused cancer in test animals. Russian studies on this dye showed that even the smallest amounts of caused birth defects, stillbirths, fetal deaths, and sterility in rats.

I should mention that MANY colors are aluminum based compounds. Example FD&C Red 40 Lake should read FD&C Red 40 ALUMINUM Lake. Why do they leave out the aluminum? What are they trying to hide?

The makers of our frankenfood have told us for decades that all food additives are well tested and safe. Most may be safe, however, the history of food additives is riddled with additives that, after many years of use, were found to pose health risks.
The moral of the story is that when someone says that all food additives are well tested and safe you should take their assurances with a grain of salt.

A link to one familys dye experience

1 comment:

  1. It's been a while since I've dropped in on your blog, but I'm so glad I did tonight!

    I saw the post regarding this new blog, and have been so excited seeing someone else doing such a thorough job of explaining all this.

    I realized how sensitive I was to food colorings/ additives about 2 years ago. Itchy, numbness and tingling in my lips and tongue, horrible pain that kept me at the chiropractor....

    Once I began eliminating these, I was AMAZED at the 'power' they had over my body.

    Thank you for sharing all this info! I am currently 32 weeks pregnant, and will definitely be sharing this blog with my readers - for their health AND their baby's!

