May 2, 2009

Are You Well Informed?

There are two things in life we cannot live without, food and water. Both of these we take for granted. We know we need them and we also know that the amount of coverage (consumption), will dictate our well being. If we choose poorly, our body will reflect this decision.

Understanding how to choose wisely may seem like a difficult task. It;s rather simple, all you really need is a desire to know the truth and some time to invest looking for it. Here is a easy way to help you figure out what you want in your diet and what to eliminate.

Pick one of your favorite foods. Now find out how it was created and where it was created from? Use the internet, library, call the company and read up on agricultural practises used in the country in which it came from.

Find out whats in your water by calling your local water distribution center. Ask them for a list of chemicals that are placed in the water and their daily "dose." Some treatment facilities will mail or fax this information which is available to the public if you ask. That's the key, asking. If we don't ask, we won't know.

Make well informed decisions for your health and the health of your family.

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