Apr 21, 2009


The best honey is unprocessed and raw. If you do not have access to raw honey, the closet to natural state is best. Honey is healthy. It is a natural sweetener and has many health benefits.

It aids in stomach and digestion

"In digestive disturbances honey is of great value. Honey does not ferment in the stomach because, being an inverted sugar, it is easily absorbed and there is no danger of a bacterial invasion. The flavor of honey excites the appetite and helps digestion.

For anemics, dyspeptics, convalescents and the aged, honey is an excellent reconstructive and tonic. In malnutrition, no food or drug can equal it.

The laxative value of honey is well known. Its fatty acid content stimulates gastric juices.
In gastric catarrh, hyperacidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers and gall bladder diseases, honey is recommended by several eminent gastroenterologists. Dr. Schacht, of Wiesbaden, claims to have cured many hopeless cases of gastric and intestinal ulcers with honey and without operations.
It is rather unusual that a physician of standing has the courage and conviction to praise honey.
The beekeepers and their friends know that honey will cure gastric and intestinal ulcerations, this distressing, prevalent and most dangerous malady, a precursor of cancer. But the news has not yet reached 99% of the medical profession. The remaining few physicians who know of it, are afraid to suggest such an unscientific and plebeian remedy, for fear of being laughed at by their colleagues and scientifically inclined patients.
You may read in almost every issue of agricultural papers the reports of correspondents regarding their experience with honey for gastric ulcers, after going through the medical mill for years without improvement, without even hope of ever getting cured. Then incidentally, they meet a beekeeper or one of his converts and if they have courage and common sense (there are few) to heed the advise, they get well. It is disheartening for a physician to read such reports.
For instance, a correspondent A.L.T. of Omaha, Nebraska, writes in Gleanings in Bee Culture, February, 1931, "I have been a sufferer from ulcerated stomach for several years, part time in the hospital, part time in bed and nearly all the time in much pain. I noticed from the middle of September I was much better and gave no thought to the reason but kept up eating honey because I relished it. I had no attack since and it held good." It would fill a volume to assemble similar testimonials, praising particularly the curative value of honey in gastric and intestinal disorders, including ulcers. Father Kneipp, a great admirer of honey, remarked, "Smaller ulcers in the stomach are quickly contracted, broken, and healed by it."

Honey as a treatment for stomach ulcers. A team of researchers from the University of Waikato in New Zealand studied whether honey could benefit those afflicted with the H. pylori bacterium known to cause gastric ulcers. Within three days, honey stopped the growth of bacterium colonies!

Honey is great for treating allergies

Ada, Oklahoma (AP) - An Oklahoma allergist told a meeting of 150 beekeepers that raw honey is an effective treatment for 90 per cent of all allergies. Dr. William G. Peterson, an allergist from Ada in the 1950's, said he now has 22,000 patients across the nation who are using raw honey along with more customary medications to relieve allergy symptoms.

"It must be raw honey because raw honey contains all the pollen, dust and molds that cause 90 per cent of all allergies," he told a meeting of the Oklahoma Beekeepers Association. "What happens is that the patient builds up an immunity to pollen, dust or mold that is causing his trouble in the first place. The raw honey must "not be strained, not even through a cloth." he added. "I know the customer wants good, clear strained honey, and that's fine, but for health reasons, raw honey is what we need."

Dr. Peterson said he and the 20 doctors at his clinic at Ada normally prescribe a daily teaspoon of raw honey. The honey treatment continues even after the allergy is under control.
Information excerpt from "Bee Hive Product Bible" (pages 127-130)

For healing ulcers and burns

Also many years ago, a study by Robert Bloomfield, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, reports "Applied every 2 to 3 days under a dry dressing, honey promotes healing of ulcers and burns better than any other local application. It can also be applied to other surface wounds, including cuts and abrasions..."

Honey has anti-cancer properties

Recent studies by Gribel and Pashinskii indicated that honey possessed moderate antitumor and pronounced anti-metastatic effects in five different strains of rat and mouse tumors. Furthermore, honey potentiated the antitumor activity of chemotherapeutic drugs such as 5-fluorouracil and cyclophosphamide.-- Gribel, N.V., and Pashinskii, V.G. Antitumor properties of honey. Vopr. Onkol., 36:704-709, 1990.

C.V. Rao at the American Health Foundation in Valhalla, New York found caffeic acids in propolis are inhibitors of colon cancers in animals. Other research shows hive products have the ability to prevent and halt the spread of malignant diseases. Earlier research by M.T. Huang also published in Cancer Research found caffeic acids effective in inhibiting skin cancer tumors in mice.-- American Bee Journal, June 1994

Try It and Believe It!

For skin rashes, burns and abrasions. Apply a small amount of raw honey lightly over the affected area; may cover with a dressing or a dusting of cornstarch to reduce any stickiness.
The ultimate moisturizer .Smooth a small amount of raw honey lightly over the skin; easily remove later with splashes of cold water or comfortable warm water. Leaves skin baby soft.

Facial blemishes and acne caused by cosmetics or allergies will clear up quickly using a nightly treatment of raw honey. A small amount needed.

For hair and scalp treatment.Apply raw honey (with or without olive oil) to dry or damp hair about one half hour before washing--you'll be amazed at your "crowning glory".

For dental care and mouth sores. Cleans teeth, mouth and dentures and stops bleeding gums. Canker sores, blisters and mouth ulcers respond to applications of raw honey.

An astounding natural preservative. Unprocessed honey found in ancient tombs was determined to be edible and was even used to preserve bodies.

Honey is antiseptic, antibiotic, antifungal, and antibacterial -- it never spoils!
Known as a "medicinal" since ancient times"

Have the hiccups? Try swallowing a spoon full (or 2) of raw honey. Watch them hiccups disappear!

Honey is naturally bee-licious! :)

More healthy honey tips here


  1. Mmm... that honey looks so yummy. We just recently learned about the benefits of raw honey to one with allergies. God's amazing design. All the info you provided is great! Do you get your honey locally? Online?

  2. We do love the real taste of raw honey. The guys use it on everything. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not ;) LOL We purchase our honey in Pa., which is sorta local to us.
