Jan 14, 2009

Critically Yours

Over the years I have enjoyed sharing my healthy discoveries with all who will listen. Yes, there were some that could really care less, but I told them anyway ;) It was for their own good! HA!

There always seems to be a mind set that tosses back at me, "The air your breathing is not healthy, what are you going to do about that?" or "My granpa and his granpa ate those foods and they didn't have health issues." or the classic, "Why waste money on organic foods, how do you know it is better?"
I usually, slowly, try to re-explain why I feel so concerned about the foods we consume.

If you have ten areas of concern in your life and you can eliminate eight of those, shouldn't you? I cannot do anything about the air we breathe outside of my home, but I can eliminate how much toxic garbage we inhale in the home and educate my family on the dangers of the outside air.

Example: If we see someone smoking, we do all we can to avoid their air. I don't want to inhale, their exhale! Ewwwww!!

As far as their granpa and great-granpa having no health issues, yet consumed the same foods as they now do. They are deceived. If they really think their kin consumed the same foods as they do, a look back into the food industry will prove otherwise.
Each year more chemicals are added to our foods (in one way or another), so there is no way possible for the bologna that granpa ate to be the exact same bologna that is consumed today.

Ganically' speaking- How do they know its not better? We have friends who sell their homone injected, pus filled, etc milk, from their cows to a large company. My friend has said to me, she wouldn't even buy their milk. She only allows her children small portions of milk to drink from their cows on a daily basis. That speaks to me.

We have had the great opportunity to purchase raw organic milk from a dairy that sells their milk to a large organic milk company. Their cows were cleaner, out to pasture, the barn was well kept and they were very clean in their practice of retrieving the milk for our usage. I choose Ganic' any chance I get!

There is always a critic, or can I call them a heckler :)

I'm back to work on more research...until then...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Shell - It's funny you write this because just yesterday I was thinking about writing and thanking you for all your time researching and sharing with others your helpful knowledge. I met you about the time I was getting ready to quit my job an be a keeper of the home. At that time our diets were very unhealthy I bought cans of cream of soups by the cases. We ate out a lot and just about anywhere. Our diet consisted of boxed, canned, and some packaged foods. Most of that was due to the fact of my working schedule and the convenience of it. But I also must admit I really didn't know the dangers and health risks of all that we were eating. Since then we eat very little canned or boxed anything. I try to make much of our foods by scratch. I do thank you for your burden to share and for caring for the health of others. Our diet has changed tremendously since I have met you. It is not perfect and we do knowingly eat things we shouldn't at times but we are now more health conscious.

    Love your Sister in Christ,

