Jan 14, 2009

Hard Facts Can Save...your life

Have you heard the latest? High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is just sweetener made from corn and is perfectly fine to consume, in moderation! Isn't that so great? Aren't you so ah-sighted? (I hope I sound like an info-mercial on sugar!)

Historically Speaking

HFCS was invented by Richard O. Marshall and Earl R. Kooi in 1957, by adding animal derived enzymes to corn syrup to produce a product that was liquid sweet. Their goal was to create a product that had a longer shelf life and cost the food industry less to produce.
Note this as LOW quality food!

In the late 60's, Dr. Yoshiyuki Takasaki refined HFCS and introduced it into our foods where it has been increasingly added over the years, as has the obesity level and many other illnesses in the U.s

From what I have been reading, there are three enzymes that are added to create High Fructose Corn Syrup. Two of them are animal derived, which means it comes from animals. I am still researching this and trying to decipher what animal and organ of body this enzyme comes from.

In 1983 the FDA whose motto is: “We will never let the public’s health get in the way of corporate profit." Included HFCS to its long list of GRAS foods, "GRAS - Generally Recognized As Safe.”
Yes, I know, it has been declared safe by an organization that many deem trustworthy, all I can tell you is to research and know your facts.

One example - Around 1999, a product called Vioxx hit the market. It was FDA approved for safety, and heavily "pushed", I mean promoted, to patients and Dr's alike, by it's maker, Merck.
This "GRAS" drug, within five years time, was implicated in the deaths of OVER 60,000 people. It was taken off the market and within 3 months after the recall, put right back on, complete with the FDA approval.

It's Not so Bad, Or is It?

When we eat sugary foods, insulin is produced in our body. HFCS raises insulin levels for 3 times as long as regular table sugar. This allows our bodies three times longer for fats to be deposited into the waistline and other areas.
Upon consuming HFCS, guess where it heads? Straight to the liver The liver turns the liquid sweet into fat. It also puts a "pause" on our brains, holding back the signal that we are full. It inhibits the production of ghrelin, which is known as the hunger hormone and increases the production of leptin, known as the "I'm full" hormone.
This sweet toxin has been indicated in increased levels of artery clogging fats (triglycerides) which are responsible for heart disease and strokes.
I urge you to think about this for one moment! If, and we'll just say IF for the "hecklers" sake, HFCS does contribute to obesity and obesity can cause other health issues, WHY are we allowing this in our home?

Buyer Beware

HFCS is made from corn, genetically modified might I add, and is found in nearly all foods. It is even hidden in the foods we consume by other names, sounds like MSG doesn't it?
From soft drinks to baby formula, we are poisoning ourselves from the cradle to the grave (HEY! good title for a book!)
Any ingredient with HFCS needs to go! That's right, say bye-bye to soda's, KOOL-AID, fruit punch, some mayo's, ketchups, relish, YOGURT, breads, bakery products and more! Are you wondering what you will feed the family? Don't worry! remember, I have been there, so I have a plan! (See me grinning?)

Be Watchful

High Fructose Corn Syrup goes by its own name and a few alias:
HFCS, fructose, modified corn starch, inulin, iso glucose, glucose-fructose syrup, and fruit fructose

Stock your cupboards and fridge with good foods! Try to buy organic when you can, you may feel the 20 cent plus increase per item but it is worth the extra expense.

I physically cannot put products that contain bad ingredients in my buggy. I have tried to buy the lesser and it physically sickens me, it goes right back on the shelf!
My brain power exceeds the "safe" zone, my boys will bare witness. A few years ago, they would bring me "good deal" drinks (gatorade, "healthy" juices, etc) that all contained HFCS. Not only would I show them the colors (which are dangerous to their health), but the other unhealthy sludge that made up this great beverage. They caught on rather quick.

Jon and I recently were shopping for tomato paste, sounds simple enough right? Wrong! Four brands, all the same size (small), all inexpensive (under $1), but three contained 4 plus ingredients to include HFCS and MSG. This was just tomato paste, not flavored. I left the store with 1 - 6oz can of Contadina tomato paste. Ingredients? Tomatoes.

A Few Sweet Tips

Juicy Juice is a better bet then kool-aid. Not from concentrate juices are also an extra expense, but well worth the money, you can always dilute the not from concentrate juices with a little water added to your child's cup to lessen the sugar content.

Cereals - besides the regular oatmeal etc, options. We enjoy, Mother's Best found at Super Walmart, Safeway and Farm Fresh for $2.50 and under. This brand seems to be very family friendly. From raisin bran to Marshmell-O's (one of my favorites!)

Yogurt - Stoneyfield Farms and Brown Cow, Danon All Natural Low Fat Vanilla
*some of the above do contain sugar, my gripe is not with sugar but the high content of HFCS that is found in everything. A sugar post is in the works.

Besides Walmart (which I cannot stand), Safeway and Farm Fresh have a few healthy items that are economically priced. O Organics has some good chip choices and condiments, some of their salad dressings are ok too. Home made dressing is always cheaper and yummier though (coming soon)

For that soda lover - Look, I'm going to be up front with you. I hope by now you can appreciate my straight forward honesty? :) If you cannot get rid of your addiction (fess up, isn't that really what it is?) and you want to be healthy, try Hansen's Natural Soda and remember, your addiction will cost you :) Either in the pocket now by purchasing Hansen's ;) or later in medical bills - Coke. Pepsi, Etc.

The Sad Truth

Over the last 40 years we have seen an increase in obesity, infertility, cancer, heart attacks, strokes, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, accelerated bone loss?...You get the point? HFCS and many other FDA "approved" ingredients are assisting in taking years away from each of us. I say assisting due to one vital fact, it is our choice on whether or not to allow this food in our home. At what point will we say enough is enough? It's time we take responsibility for our families health and not leave it to the makers of the "food" industry.

Don't be deceived, your life does depend on it - no pun intended!

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