Apr 20, 2010

Eat Smart

I've spotted the 'eat smart' logo on many organic products over the last few weeks. I'm wondering what message they are trying to send? Why is the 'eat smart' logo not on non-organic food products? Eat smart vs eating not smart? Is that what they are saying?
While shopping with my husband over the weekend, he spotted the below ad at a local store.
What do you think this ad is saying? Is this the only spot in the store where quality and good nutrition matter?

May be clicked on for a larger view
Yesterday, Jon and I went to our local Target food section on a hunt for quality, nutritious food. Out of hundreds of products, we found 23 truly consumable foods. Am I saying the other foods they sold are not fit for consumption? For the most part, yes.
The others foods have ingredients that are damaging in some way to our bodies. If I know something is harmful, why would I ingest it? It reminds me of rat poision - 99.9% food 0.1% poision.

Apr 13, 2010

Natures Candy

Train them up in the way they will go...

I read an article recently about genetics playing a huge part in what children eat. In my opinion, genetics do not create dislikes or likes of food. This is created by attitude and cooking preference of the parents.

When my children were little they were taught about natures candy - dried fruits, nuts, raw veggies & raw fruits - candy that nature provides. We never said ewww to veggies. Matter of fact, Justin at 3 years of age, would eat a tomato like one would eat an apple.

While making dinner it was often requested if they could have sliced, raw, colored peppers, snap beans or potatoes. Whatever veggies were being prepped for dinner, were often shared with all in attendance.
Why is it that children dislike veggies? Perhaps, natures candy gets a bad rap in your home? Be positive, encouraging and make natures candy popular in your home.

Mar 29, 2010

Marketing Deception

Since when does 2 cups = 8 ounces??? On the back of this bag of franken cheese, the serving size was 8 servings per 1 oz. That was accurate but where is the 2 cups they advertise?

I checked other brands to see if they all were claiming the same. All shredded cheeses claimed, 2 cups in the 8 oz bag. On the back of 1 popular brand, the serving size claimed, servings 5 per 1/4 cups. I'm a numbers girl and the math does not add up.

Mar 24, 2010

The Nitty Gritty

A decade ago, thru educating myself, I came to realize my old way of cooking was more harmful to my family then I realized. When I walk into a grocery store it occurs to me that 95% of the food being sold is not fit for human consumption. That is a pretty scary thought.

Think about that, what does the majority of americans eat? Why do they eat the way they do? Then look at the majority of americans weight and idle ways. Our children are coming up on the same diet and they are larger at 3 and 5 years of age then two decades ago. Childhood diabetes is sky rocketing along with other childhood diseases.

Statistically speaking, my 2 older children, that were born in the 80's, have a shorter life span then I do. They are expected to see 72 years of age, whereas I am given until 83. Why is that? From what I read, the U.S. is on the decline due to obesity and diseases related to morbid obesity. What causes obesity??

Food is fuel to our bodies. What we put into it, we will get out of it. If we feast on sugars, fats, chemicals, gasses, etc we will have a malnourished, disease ridden structure. If we dine on more natural foods, we will exhibit a healthier running machine. Obesity would not be an issue, therefore death at an early age would not be an issue.

Our food supply is 90% if not more, toxic-ly lethal. It's not by our choice they grow genetically modified foods. If I had a say, I'd have them plant some heirloom seeds. Veggies and fruits that are full of life for our bodies. I'd make sure we had grass fed beef, chicken and pigs! Our food supply is altered, we now create a Franken food, which in turn creates a Franken body! Yes, we are experiments at an industrialized level. A sick person, needs medical care and lots of it. Now our money goes into not only toxic food, but a health insurance plan. To insure health? No, to keep you coming back - can you say, show me the money?!

Think about it; the genetically modified feed, that the housed chickens, cows and pigs eat go into our foods that we consume. From the eggs to the meat, we're consuming, for the the most part, GM corn. It seems like we can't escape it, as the corn ingredient is in all we consume.

Look at your ingredient label - every time you see one of these words, say to yourself CORN!
MSG, xantham gum, caramel color, lactic acid, modified starch, unmodified starch, glucose syrup, maltodextrin, ascorbic acid, crystalline fructose - and there are more ways to hide the corn in our food.

Why do they want to hide the corn in our food ingredients? Who is they? Not only does our food contain GM corn, its in our toothpaste, shampoos, diapers, paper towels, trash bags...Some would say we are very resourceful. I say, Someones making a profit!

So what do we do about it? Continue on our corny diet? Is there another way out of the maize?
Stay tuned...Your about to be educated!

Oct 6, 2009

Girl Time

The information that is available on this topic is so extensive, that I found myself researching for weeks. Just keep in mind, I'm only touching the surface. This one topic, had me going in so many directions and in the end, I was lead back to the beginning.

Girl Time

If you knew that using a certain product was dangerous to your health and the health of your daughter, would you continue to use it? If you knew these products could increase the risk of certain cancers, endometriosis, UTI and yeast infections, cervicitis and reproductive problems, what would you do?

On average, we will use more than 15,000 tampons or pads in our lifetime. As with most products, we generally don't think much about the content. All that matters to us is comfort during an uncomfortable time. I'm here to encourage you to take time to choose your monthly companion wisely.

There are many feminine products on the market being created with cotton, rayon, wood pulp, polypropylene and scent enhancing chemicals. When one thinks of cotton, we think of fluffy clouds of softness. In reality, most manufacturers use a chlorine bleaching process that contains chlorine dioxide, elemental chlorine free (EGF) or hypochlorite or hypochlorite bleaches.

From what I have gathered from my research, the FDA requires this type of cleansing (bleaching) to help prevent bacteria that may cause disease. Chlorine free isn’t really free of chlorine, it just means that it’s not part of the chlorine gas process. In my research I found, "Chlorine gas, the main component of "Agent Orange," the organochlorine- turned-chemical weapon, was used by the United States military against Vietnam during the Vietnam War [1965-1975]." (link below)

Cotton and rayon are used to make tampons and processed wood pulp, is used to make sanitary pads. Both are bleached with chlorine. Chlorine bleaching is a source of a carcinogen and dioxin. The above treatments create a toxic environment for our bodies to "snuggle" up to. Cotton is no longer cotton, but a chemical cocktail.

Dioxin pollution has been documented in disrupting hormones within the body. By using tampons and sanitary pads women could be exposing themselves to additional dioxin exposure. Dioxin is a known carcinogenic, it is toxic to the immune and reproductive systems, and has been implicated in endometriosis. Hormone disruption! Hmmm, is it really PMS or another source??? Something to think about, isn't it!

There are no safe levels of dioxin exposure. Everyday we are bombarded by chemical dioxins. They are in our milk, meat, eggs, the water we drink and products we use on a daily basis. Our toilet paper, paper towels, coloring books, writing tablets...Dioxins linger in the body and accumulate in fatty tissues. Chemical pesticides and insecticides "assist" in the growing of conventional cotton crops. This is also a massive source of dioxin poisoning.

Odor maskers in feminine products do more harm then good. By using these products the body is placed more at risk for allergic reactions, sores, irritated skin, bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, UTI and they can disrupt the body's natural processes. By using pads that contain residues that are released upon direct contact with some the most absorbent tissue in a woman's body, we are placing our bodies in harms way.

If your among the population that uses tampons on a monthly basis be aware that TSS is not your only concern. Rayon is derived from wood pulp and consists of tiny strands of plastic (rayon) commonly used in the creation of certain tampons. These rayon fibres can cause lacerations to the "internal area" of the body in which they are placed. Due to rayon being super absorbent, many women may feel comfortable enough to leave them in longer. This is not advisable, your only subjecting your body to potential bacterial growth and toxic shock syndrome.

Recommended Alternatives

Use non-chlorine bleached, 100% organic cotton pads and tampons -amazon offers a case for under $50. Your health is worth that.


Cloth Menstrual Pads

Sckoon Organic Cotton Menstrual Pads



Sorella Luna Organic Pads

A Few Sites

All about Dioxins

Make your own organic pads

Toxic Tampons, Fibroid Tumors, Ovarian & Breast Cancer, Endo

Aug 4, 2009

Back to Basics

I'm sure you've received or given your fair share of freshly picked dandelion flowers to the one you love? Maybe as a child you placed these lil' yellow flowers under the chin of a sibling to see if they liked butter? Perhaps as an adult, these now pesky weeds have invaded your space, in turn you dig them up, mow them down or shower them with a chemical to end their invasion?

In the springtime, my mom boasts of eating dandelion greens, freshly foraged from her yard. This has always intrigued me, hmmmm, dandelion greens??? Was she meaning the yellow "butter" flowers or something else? What was she truly meaning? To my surprise, she meant the entire plant, from the top of its yellow flower to the root!

So I ask myself, Why did God create this yellow flower called the dandelion, it has to have a purpose.

In my search, I've learned that dents de lion or lion’s teeth, as the French call this jagged-edged green, are among the most nutritious foods known. They contain more fiber, calcium, protein and potassium than any other green.

Dandelion is a natural diuretic for water weight or edema. It helps to stimulant to the system, helping to flush the urinary organs. Dandelion can be used to relieve mild constipation, liver and kidney disorders. It's a great aid to the digestive system and it's high mineral content may help prevent iron-deficiency anemia.

This herb also reduces high blood pressure, probably due to its diuretic action. Dandelion is rich in potassium, which works with sodium to regulate the body's water balance and normalize heart rhythms. This herb is known for inducing the flow of bile from the liver, and it is also known to reduce serum cholesterol. The herb dandelion is also known to reduce uric acid which influences rheumatoid arthritis.

Dandelion is used for: Acne, anemia, angina, arthritis, bed wetting, bladder, boils, breast cancer,
bronchitis, cancer, canker sores, cardiovascular disease, cholesterol problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, cirrhosis of the liver, colitis, constipation, dermatitis, diabetes, edema, gallbladder, gallstones, gas, gonorrhea, gout, hepatitis, hypoglycemia, indigestion, jaundice, kidney disease, liver disease, liver spots, mitral valve prolapse, multiple sclerosis, mumps, oily skin, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, ovarian cancer, parkinson's disease, PMS, prostate cancer, psoriasis, rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, rickets, rosacea, scabies, senility, skin problems, smoking, stomach disorders, ulcerative colitis, urinary tract infection, warts, water retention, weight loss, yeast infections

On a personal note, dandelion has helped my non-pitted edema. I have taken NSI dandelion capsules (6 a day) and have felt great relief in my legs and water retention. My blood pressure was perfect last Dr visit (which may have been dandelion or my new thyroid med?), but I was being monitored for bp. The dandy-lion is not just a weed, God made everything for a purpose :)

May 4, 2009


This tea also doubles as a gargle for sore throats.

2 cups water
3 peppermint T-bags
1 TBSP freshly grated, ginger root (optional)
2 TBSP raw honey
1 TBSP freshly squeezed lemon juice

In a small saucepan, boil 1 cup water, remove from heat. Add the tea bags and ginger, cover and allow tea to steep for about 30 minutes. Mix honey and lemon into tea blend, strain into other 1 cup of water. It should taste like homemade lemonade and natural ginger ale, with a minty twist.

Serve hot or over ice

May 2, 2009

Are You Well Informed?

There are two things in life we cannot live without, food and water. Both of these we take for granted. We know we need them and we also know that the amount of coverage (consumption), will dictate our well being. If we choose poorly, our body will reflect this decision.

Understanding how to choose wisely may seem like a difficult task. It;s rather simple, all you really need is a desire to know the truth and some time to invest looking for it. Here is a easy way to help you figure out what you want in your diet and what to eliminate.

Pick one of your favorite foods. Now find out how it was created and where it was created from? Use the internet, library, call the company and read up on agricultural practises used in the country in which it came from.

Find out whats in your water by calling your local water distribution center. Ask them for a list of chemicals that are placed in the water and their daily "dose." Some treatment facilities will mail or fax this information which is available to the public if you ask. That's the key, asking. If we don't ask, we won't know.

Make well informed decisions for your health and the health of your family.

Apr 21, 2009


The best honey is unprocessed and raw. If you do not have access to raw honey, the closet to natural state is best. Honey is healthy. It is a natural sweetener and has many health benefits.

It aids in stomach and digestion

"In digestive disturbances honey is of great value. Honey does not ferment in the stomach because, being an inverted sugar, it is easily absorbed and there is no danger of a bacterial invasion. The flavor of honey excites the appetite and helps digestion.

For anemics, dyspeptics, convalescents and the aged, honey is an excellent reconstructive and tonic. In malnutrition, no food or drug can equal it.

The laxative value of honey is well known. Its fatty acid content stimulates gastric juices.
In gastric catarrh, hyperacidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers and gall bladder diseases, honey is recommended by several eminent gastroenterologists. Dr. Schacht, of Wiesbaden, claims to have cured many hopeless cases of gastric and intestinal ulcers with honey and without operations.
It is rather unusual that a physician of standing has the courage and conviction to praise honey.
The beekeepers and their friends know that honey will cure gastric and intestinal ulcerations, this distressing, prevalent and most dangerous malady, a precursor of cancer. But the news has not yet reached 99% of the medical profession. The remaining few physicians who know of it, are afraid to suggest such an unscientific and plebeian remedy, for fear of being laughed at by their colleagues and scientifically inclined patients.
You may read in almost every issue of agricultural papers the reports of correspondents regarding their experience with honey for gastric ulcers, after going through the medical mill for years without improvement, without even hope of ever getting cured. Then incidentally, they meet a beekeeper or one of his converts and if they have courage and common sense (there are few) to heed the advise, they get well. It is disheartening for a physician to read such reports.
For instance, a correspondent A.L.T. of Omaha, Nebraska, writes in Gleanings in Bee Culture, February, 1931, "I have been a sufferer from ulcerated stomach for several years, part time in the hospital, part time in bed and nearly all the time in much pain. I noticed from the middle of September I was much better and gave no thought to the reason but kept up eating honey because I relished it. I had no attack since and it held good." It would fill a volume to assemble similar testimonials, praising particularly the curative value of honey in gastric and intestinal disorders, including ulcers. Father Kneipp, a great admirer of honey, remarked, "Smaller ulcers in the stomach are quickly contracted, broken, and healed by it."

Honey as a treatment for stomach ulcers. A team of researchers from the University of Waikato in New Zealand studied whether honey could benefit those afflicted with the H. pylori bacterium known to cause gastric ulcers. Within three days, honey stopped the growth of bacterium colonies!

Honey is great for treating allergies

Ada, Oklahoma (AP) - An Oklahoma allergist told a meeting of 150 beekeepers that raw honey is an effective treatment for 90 per cent of all allergies. Dr. William G. Peterson, an allergist from Ada in the 1950's, said he now has 22,000 patients across the nation who are using raw honey along with more customary medications to relieve allergy symptoms.

"It must be raw honey because raw honey contains all the pollen, dust and molds that cause 90 per cent of all allergies," he told a meeting of the Oklahoma Beekeepers Association. "What happens is that the patient builds up an immunity to pollen, dust or mold that is causing his trouble in the first place. The raw honey must "not be strained, not even through a cloth." he added. "I know the customer wants good, clear strained honey, and that's fine, but for health reasons, raw honey is what we need."

Dr. Peterson said he and the 20 doctors at his clinic at Ada normally prescribe a daily teaspoon of raw honey. The honey treatment continues even after the allergy is under control.
Information excerpt from "Bee Hive Product Bible" (pages 127-130)

For healing ulcers and burns

Also many years ago, a study by Robert Bloomfield, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, reports "Applied every 2 to 3 days under a dry dressing, honey promotes healing of ulcers and burns better than any other local application. It can also be applied to other surface wounds, including cuts and abrasions..."

Honey has anti-cancer properties

Recent studies by Gribel and Pashinskii indicated that honey possessed moderate antitumor and pronounced anti-metastatic effects in five different strains of rat and mouse tumors. Furthermore, honey potentiated the antitumor activity of chemotherapeutic drugs such as 5-fluorouracil and cyclophosphamide.-- Gribel, N.V., and Pashinskii, V.G. Antitumor properties of honey. Vopr. Onkol., 36:704-709, 1990.

C.V. Rao at the American Health Foundation in Valhalla, New York found caffeic acids in propolis are inhibitors of colon cancers in animals. Other research shows hive products have the ability to prevent and halt the spread of malignant diseases. Earlier research by M.T. Huang also published in Cancer Research found caffeic acids effective in inhibiting skin cancer tumors in mice.-- American Bee Journal, June 1994

Try It and Believe It!

For skin rashes, burns and abrasions. Apply a small amount of raw honey lightly over the affected area; may cover with a dressing or a dusting of cornstarch to reduce any stickiness.
The ultimate moisturizer .Smooth a small amount of raw honey lightly over the skin; easily remove later with splashes of cold water or comfortable warm water. Leaves skin baby soft.

Facial blemishes and acne caused by cosmetics or allergies will clear up quickly using a nightly treatment of raw honey. A small amount needed.

For hair and scalp treatment.Apply raw honey (with or without olive oil) to dry or damp hair about one half hour before washing--you'll be amazed at your "crowning glory".

For dental care and mouth sores. Cleans teeth, mouth and dentures and stops bleeding gums. Canker sores, blisters and mouth ulcers respond to applications of raw honey.

An astounding natural preservative. Unprocessed honey found in ancient tombs was determined to be edible and was even used to preserve bodies.

Honey is antiseptic, antibiotic, antifungal, and antibacterial -- it never spoils!
Known as a "medicinal" since ancient times"

Have the hiccups? Try swallowing a spoon full (or 2) of raw honey. Watch them hiccups disappear!

Honey is naturally bee-licious! :)

More healthy honey tips here

Mar 26, 2009

Don't Read This Unless...

You like me reminding you, that there's a war on for your health.

We are bombarded daily with junk food that offers no true nourishment for our bodies. A large part of the food that's available to us at the stores is made of toxic, harmful ingredients. Think about rat poison, 99.9% food and .1% poison. Thats all it takes to be lethal. What do we think is killing us???

It's our diet and our lack of concern. Cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, high cholesterol...are taking us to the grave at an earlier age and WE are responsible for digging our grave with our spoon!

Many are trying to decrease their weight with diet pills and powders. Don't be a victim to this gimmick. Take that money you would spend on the magic pills n powders and invest it in your future with vitamins and supplements.

Example: Acidophillus can help add good bacteria to your intestines. Apple cider vinegar (pure- not diet) in liquid or capsule form is excellent for overall health, to include weight loss. Invest your money wisely in supplements that can help your overall health and remember, you didn't put the weight on over night. Don't expect it to melt off in a week. It takes time and patience.

Don't fall for the gimmicks! The only "magic" that these lies offer is the dissapperance of your money. There is no magic pill and No frozen food that can help you expel your weight. No need to make "Gym" your best friend if you'll be going home to "Suzy-q."

A diet rich in good, healthy foods will naturally help the pounds come off. This diet is a lifetime commitment! That's right, DON'T sell out for less! Your worth More! Your health is at stake!

I am talking from experience, sometimes we just have to GET MAD about all the toxic garbage that is in our food supply! When we get mad, that's when we actually start doing something about it!

Get busy! Get researching! Get educated! Food is something we consume daily! We feed it to our families! That should get your fire going!

Think about it: If we eat an entire bag of cookies or chips, we feel GUILTY! If we ate an entire bag of carrots or apples?? We don't feel any guilt. Why is that?
It's like sin! We know its not good to eat all those cookies n chips! We know our bodies will suffer in one way or another because of our lack of self control (a fruit of the Spirit!.)

How do I know all this? You are talking to the glazed donut queen! One time...well, let's just say, near a dozen, melted in my mouth! :) I smile, as I share that. Do I still like glazed donuts? You betcha! Do I eat them? Not on your life! I pass by them and when I want one, I look at the ingredients! It's enough to MAKE ME MAD! Works every time!

Your not alone in this fight! I'm here if anyone needs a helping hand, but not for spoon shoveled grave digging. Feel free to leave a comment or email me thru my profile.

Mar 24, 2009


Diet defined - the usual selection of food that is eaten by a person

If you were to give your diet a complete overhaul, what would you change?

What does your diet consist mainly of now?

The word diet is not part of a weight loss program, it is the core of what we eat.

You are a responsible home owner and your very proud of your home. You enjoy keeping your home clean, tidy and snifferific! You like to keep your home in tip top shape, all areas of your home are maintained and cared for. You are aware that if you don't fix problems when they occur, your neglect will cost you in the long run. Your water and energy bill s are sufficient enough for you to stay clean and bright.

What I just briefly described was your body.
Are you a responsible "home" owner? Are you happy with the product you have created?

You get from your body, what you put into it.
If we don't use our muscles, what happens? If we lay around all day, what happens to our bone structure? It becomes weak.
Every cell in our body needs nutritious food. Do we meet the demand?

Our mind is an important part of who we are. It processes and stores knowledge, sorts, sifts and makes decisions. Our brains need rest from all the hard work, 8-10 hours a nite is sufficient.

What is your main beverage? I hope its water.
Our bodies are electrical and water is like electricity that runs thru out our system. The body is 70% water, the brain is 85% and the blood is 93%. Muscle is made up of 75% water. Fat and bones are made up of about 50% water.

So, hows your home?
Are you happy to be living in it? or Would you like to maybe remodel?
Just some things to ponder.

Feb 27, 2009


Many of us have plug in air fresheners in our home. With this, comes many toxins that are inhaled on a daily basis. I had been experiencing headaches and a cool sensation in my nose and on my face. After a few days of this, it dawned on me, I had two Yankee Candle air fresheners plugged into one room. I removed all plug ins from the home as a test. Within 6 hours, my headache was slowly fading away. By the next day, I was headache free and the cold sensations I had, were gone.

How to keep our home smelling fresh without risking our health?

Open the windows, even in winter. A small cracked window (or 2) will help to circulate the stale air that sits dormant inside during the winter months. It only takes 15-20 minutes for stale air to be circulated outdoors.

When anyone is sick in my home, I have always cracked a window or two, to help push the germs thru, even in the room that the ill lay. It just makes sense to me. Just a small opening will do the trick, nothing extreme.

To freshen carpets and rugs, sprinkle baking soda on them. Baking soda naturally and safely absorbs odors.

My favorite way to get a house smelling great is essential oils. They smell great, have great sterilizing properties and health benefits.

When essential oils are diffused in the home, they can increase the amount of oxygen in the air.
Essential oils can help kill bacteria (thyme), viruses (tea tree), help us to breath better (peppermint), some destroy pet smells (lemon), attack mildew and dust particles (Eucalyptus Lemon) in the home. Essential oils are a healthy solution.

A diffuser can replace the plug ins for a snifferific home! Yes, snifferific is a Shell creation, you knew it was, sounds like me :)
Aura Cacia Aromatherapy Room Diffuser cost about $10, the pads that go into the diffuser with a few drops of essential oils cost around $2. You can get essential oils for $2-10. I have shopped at VitaCost since 2001 for most of my families health needs. They have fast, dependable service and their prices and shipping cost is the best I have found. I always google, "vitacost coupon code" prior to placing my order, there is always a savings this way for vitacost.

Essential Oils to consider for a diffuser: Lavender (one of my fav), citrus, lemongrass, sage, peppermint, bergamot, rosemary.
More information to come on essential oils.

Feb 12, 2009

Be Informed

Did you know there are thousands of man made chemicals added to our food supply each day?

Our bodies are not designed to process chemicals, additives or preservatives. When we are consuming a diet rich in these, we become sick and can die an early death. It's like ingesting a small dose of poison each day, it may take a while, but soon enough, we are ill or dead.

The Lord created foods to nourish our bodies, the preserving and embalming additives are not part of our natural diet, unless your a mummy ;)

Even though the economy is slowing, I have yet to hear of any fast food chains closing. I have my own theory on the economy, tell a lie long enough and loud enough and the people will believe it...I suppose a post is due on my Thinkerest Thoughts blog :) Back to food...

The food industry is screaming "It's Healthy Come And Get IT" yet they have nothing new to offer. If we look into the fat food industry, it's clear to see they are trying to mislead.

Chick-ah-lay's ingredients contain: sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate [preservatives], natural flavors, polysorbate 80, Yellow #5, blue 1, BHT, TBHQ and MSG, just to name a few. Since when did these ingredients become healthy? Don't be deceived.

Look at the "healthy" alternative,
Subway - Ingredients taken from their own website!
I'll list a few:
Enriched flour, HFCS, azodicarbonamide, potassium iodate, Chicken type flavor - what is that? FD&C red 40 lake, yellow 5, yellow 6, blue 2 lake, red 40, blue 1 lake, blue 1, blue 2, yellow 5 lake, yellow 6 lake, thiamin mononitrate, acetylated tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides, ammonium sulfate, calcium sulfate, sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate, HFCS, disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate, sodium metabisulfite, sodium benzoate as a preservative, Polysorbate 80, sodium tripolyphosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, thiamin hydrochloride, sodium phosphates, sodium erythorbate, sodium nitrite, sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate, sodium diacetate, silicon dioxide.
I encourage you to google the above ingredients and see the dangers of them! Healthy? Don't believe it! (spell check was even confused by the ingredients! no suggestions it said)

We are in such a hurry to feed our faces, that we turn a blind eye to what we're consuming, not really wanting to acknowledge the lasting effects this will have on our bodies and our families. I think I will classify that as willingly ignorant. Harsh yes? We have to face the truth of the matter, we have a choice to make!

I love to eat out just like everyone else, it's nice to be waited on, have someone else cook and not have to worry about clean up, but do we really know what we're getting? This should
encourage you to investigate whats in the food you consume, whether it be grocery bought or restaurant. Look at their nutrition sheet and ingredient list to help you make the wisest choice.
Treat eating out just like you would shopping for weekly groceries. When in doubt, walk back out!

"...it is helpful to remember that all food is made up of chemicals. " From an FDA site
That is a pretty scary statement!

It's a vicious cycle but one that we don't have to put up with.

You Are Your Best Advocate

Shell says, "Don't wait for someone else to do your job! Protect your family NOW!"
Maryland eyes artificial food color ban
By Caroline Scott-Thomas, 11-Feb-2009

Maryland could become the first US state to ban several artificial food colorings which have been linked to hyperactivity and behavioral problems in children, if proposed legislation is approved.
Two bills are scheduled to be considered at hearings in Annapolis on Wednesday, including one that would require food manufacturers to add a warning label prior to an outright ban in 2012, and another that would prohibit the use of the colors in school foods.
If the legislation is approved, food products containing the colors would be required to carry the label: “Warning: The color additives in this food may cause hyperactivity and behavior problems in some children” effective from January 1, 2010, and be phased out by December 31, 2011.

The colors affected are Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Blue 1, Blue 2, Green 3, Orange B, and Red 3.
Backing the bills

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has given its backing to the bills, which were introduced by Senator Norman Stone, and CSPI’s senior nutritionist David Schardt has said that he will testify at the hearings in favor of their adoption.
He said: “These dyes may be cheaper than real food ingredients, but given the troubling evidence concerning their impact on our children, I do not see how we can continue to justify their use.”
Synthetic food colorings have been the cause of controversy in the US since the 1970s, when pediatrician Dr Feingold first found a link with children’s behavior. But they came under fierce scrutiny again in September 2007 after the results of a British study from the University of Southampton were published in medical journal The Lancet.
The researchers looked at the effects of mixes of additives on 297 children aged three to nine, and concluded that artificial food colors and additives exacerbate hyperactive behavior in children at least up to middle childhood.
European criticism

The study caused a swell of resistance to the colors and, last July, European legislators voted that products containing them should be labeled “may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.”
This decision has been criticized, however, as the scientific opinion of the European Food Safety Authority had originally concluded that the Southampton study gave no basis for changing acceptable daily intakes of the additives. This was largely because the children who took part in the trial were given cocktails of additives, making it impossible to ascertain which were responsible for the perceived hyperactivity effect.

Meanwhile, some industry commentators have called the labeling a ‘de facto ban’, since no manufacturer would wish to use such wording on products for children.
Three of the six colors examined in the Southampton study are already banned in the US, although several of the other colors Senator Stone is looking to ban are already prohibited for food use in many European countries.

Blue 1, for example, is banned in Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Norway and Switzerland, and Green 3 was banned across Europe after it was linked to the development of bladder tumors.

Feb 6, 2009

Chew On This

Food is the most important thing we will ever buy. And yet, most people, never bother to think about the food and where it comes from. People spend a lot more time worrying about what clothes they will wear, the sort of vehicle they will buy, or the latest electronic device in their home. We research about so many things, but neglect to look into what we put in our bodies.

We can toss the old clothing, trade in the older model car and drop the electronics off at the goodwill when we are done with them. But the food that enters our body will literally become part of us, we are stuck with this decision.

Why is it, that we don't think on such things? Maybe we are programmed to not think outside the box. Think about it, you have heard the phrase, "Keepin' up with the Jones?" What are we keeping up with? Their diet? No! It's the lifestyle.

I have yet to see Consumer Reports reporting on foods ingredients and which are the best and worst for your health. Which cause cancer or cell depletion. The companies do not want us to think on these things, for if we do, they will be out some money.

Ever hear a Dr say, "High cholesterol must run in your family." Sure it does, Momma taught Sally how to cook and prepare food. And Sally taught her child the same thing. They all were raised on a high fat and toxic ingredient diet. High cholesterol is diet related, not hereditary. Our arteries get clogged due to what we put into our bodies, not on genetic structure.

I have studied this topic for near a decade. I have spent countless hours in libraries and online looking into JAMA and the FDA and many other places. I want to encourage all of you that read my blogs (mainly Labour Of Love and Thinkerest Thoughts), do your research, don't just take my word for it. You have to Know what YOU believe! Why YOU believe it! And Stand Firm on IT! If you don't how will you be able to teach your children or defend why you choose to live the way you do? You can't just do like Jasi and say, "Shelly says." :)

Feb 5, 2009

Squeaky Clean

Have you ever walked into a store and spied the shoe box size, metal contraption near the exit or entrance, or back in the pet department? Perhaps you have seen old fashioned traps, "secretly" located under the shelves or in between them?

Maybe these critters trample across the produce or run across the tops of cans, springing from one isle to the next. Or maybe they used the bathroom and neglected to wash their hands?
I am here to remind you, of not only the squeaky things that lurk in the grocery stores, but also of the smaller rodents (roaches) and larger varmints (humans) that touch our foods.

How many of you have seen the produce guy wipe his nose on the back of his sleeve? Or sneeze on the produce? Maybe after a smoke break they don't see the need to wash their hands before returning to work? Or worse, maybe your husband or son seen him in the men's restroom, fully decked out in his apron (or meat dept smock!) and they leave without washing their hands!?

As you bring your groceries in your home, I'm sure you don't think twice about the hands that touched them, the lil' rodents that may have trampled across them and left urine to dry on the can or even the manure water that was sprayed on the veggies before they traveled.

It's time we start thinking beyond the shelf! I encourage you to wash off any can lid with a soapy rag. Wash your fruits n veggies BEFORE you place them in your fridge. Germs can be spread to us by way of the produce, by placing them in your fridge, you are incubating the germ.

Imagine if you were to have cantaloupe for dessert. You get your cutting board, knife, fruit and start cutting. If the cantaloupe has e-coli or some other germ, by you cutting thru the fruit, you have now contaminated the inside of the cantaloupe, the knife, your hands, the cutting board and where ever the juice flows and you touch. Take a moment of your day to ensure the health of your family by washing all fruits n veggies!

To clean your produce use a clean wet cloth to make sure pathogens are not sticking to the sticky wax, water is enough to do the trick. You might want to rinse off your bananas before consuming them as well. Just imagine how many hands that have touched the fruit before it gets to your mouth. Your hands might pick up the bacteria on the unwashed peel. Pretty gross huh?

My family has witnessed butchers, sporting their bloody aprons, out front of the grocery store, smoking. No sooner do we get in the store, they follow. They remind me of Pig-Pen on Charlie Brown. This large dirty smoke ball just aromafying their path. As we make our rounds to the meat department, who should we see back behind the glass, talking (no masks) and handling the meat (NO GLOVES!) with their bare hands? I am sicked out at the memory! This was at Farm Fresh in Smithfield, Va. Oct 2008. We need to not only be aware of whats in the food, but how it is handled and take appropriate actions to make it safe for our family.

Wash your cans and produce and don't buy meat from any source that is dirty.

I should put a disclaimer in ;) I do not have OCD! I just try to be on the safe side. Many have told me," God made dirt and dirt don't hurt." I agree, God did make dirt, but He didn't say to consume it!! :)

Jan 30, 2009

You Guessed it!

What's in a name?
There is a lot in the word microwave and the term nuke it, wouldn't you say?

Micro - very small, involving minute quantities

Wave - one of the waves that are propagated by simultaneous periodic variations of electric and magnetic field intensity and that include radio waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays

2 results for: nuke transitive verb
Main Entry: nuke
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): nuked , nuk·ing ,
Date: 1967
1 to attack or destroy with or as if with nuclear bombs
2 microwave

For almost ten years we have survived not having a micrwave in our home. I had been praying about the use of the microwave, as I had recently started my labour of love, educating myself about the dangers in food. One day I went to heat something in my new (less then 6 months) nuker and it and it wouldn't come on. That was my sign! I remember the day we threw it away. We literally, chucked it in the dumpster when we lived at Pax River! Sorta funny now.

Were you aware that microwave cooking is the cause of declined health?

The purpose of the microwave is to heat up food stuffs, however we get the same results using our stove top.
Oh, but not as quickly, you say. So! Were into fast food are we? Gotta think healthy!

If you were to microwave a potato for 30-60 minutes it will become as black as charcoal inside, but on the outside look untouched. It's not that it's been over cooked, the inside of the potato has had its nutrients sucked out. Don't you find that interesting?


That alone should concern us!

I have read that a convection oven can be a great alternative for the microwave. I have yet to find any dangers for the convection, but mega for the microwave. I'm not running out to purchase one, as I like my stove jest' fine.

You can also easily and quickly heat up food, even frozen pasta, by using a saucepan with a lid and a little water, to moisten it from the steam.
If someone is coming home late, and you want to give them warm food when they arrive, put a saucepan lid over the food while it is on a plate. Put the plate of food on a simmering saucepan of water. It will stay warm without drying up.

If you want to cook food, do it the old fashioned ways - it tastes much better and is way healthier that way!

More on the Naughty Microwave

The Proven Dangers of Microwaves

Radiation Ovens - The Proven Dangers Of Microwaves

Thanks for all who played my guessing game.
Those who guessed the answer - Shayna - Denise - Pam - Liz - Lisa -Cindy -Sandy - Mary
I will be mailing out your healthy packages this upcoming week!

Jan 27, 2009

Franken Color

I have to share how I feel about this post. At times, it really made me intensely mad to learn all about the stuff they are putting into the food, drugs and beauty paints just to make us prettier. The more I researched the more determined I now am to get the truth out.

The chemical cocktail that makes our food look so pretty comes with certain health risks, ranging from allergies to hyperactivity to cancer and tumors. Why they add lead, arsenic, mercury and other toxins to create such a "pretty" product, we'll never know. We can speculate though ;)

There are two types of color additives: God made - natural and lab made - artificial. We should be eating foods in their closest form naturally.

Some of the artificial color additives can cause asthma, hay fever and certain reactions such as rashes, vomiting, headache, tight chest, hives and worsening of eczema.

Say bye-bye to M&M's!

FD&C Dyes (Dyes used in Food, Drugs & Cosmetic and deemed GRAS by the FDA)
Would you say the below are safe?

This is only a small amount of the additives that are being used. Let's look at a few of the known dangers these primary colors can cause:

RED #40 is the most widely used food dye. Studies show behavioral and neurological effects, it is suspected to cause allergies, certain birth defects and possibly cancer.

YELLOW # 5 is the second most widely used coloring. It causes mild allergic reactions, primarily in aspirin-sensitive persons and cancers.

YELLOW #6 is the third most widely used dye. Industry sponsored animal tests indicated that this dye, causes allergic reactions, tumors of the adrenal gland and kidney. In addition, to different cancers.

BLUE #1 small cancer risk

BLUE #2 lab results- potential brain tumors in male mice

CITRUS RED #2 is placed on the skin of some Florida oranges. Studies indicated that this additive might slightly increase the risk of cancer. The dye does not seep through the orange skin into the pulp. No risk except when eating peel (grating.)

A 1981 industry-sponsored study gave hints of bladder cancer, but FDA reanalyzed the data using other statistical tests and concluded that the dye was safe. Fortunately, this possibly carcinogenic dye is rarely used.

RED #3
The evidence that this dye caused thyroid tumors in rats is "convincing," according to a 1983 review committee report requested by FDA. FDA’s recommendation that the dye be banned was overruled by pressure from elsewhere in the Reagan Administration. Red #3 is also called erythrosine, it is a common food coloring used in many processed foods.

Red # 2 - In 1969, Soviet scientists discovered that long-term usage of Red Dye #2, even at the low dosages found in foods, caused cancer in test animals. Russian studies on this dye showed that even the smallest amounts of caused birth defects, stillbirths, fetal deaths, and sterility in rats.

I should mention that MANY colors are aluminum based compounds. Example FD&C Red 40 Lake should read FD&C Red 40 ALUMINUM Lake. Why do they leave out the aluminum? What are they trying to hide?

The makers of our frankenfood have told us for decades that all food additives are well tested and safe. Most may be safe, however, the history of food additives is riddled with additives that, after many years of use, were found to pose health risks.
The moral of the story is that when someone says that all food additives are well tested and safe you should take their assurances with a grain of salt.

A link to one familys dye experience

Jan 22, 2009

Rose Colored Glasses

A few years back, I had these sunglasses that would make the landscape appear more brighter and colorful then it actually was. While driving thru the hills of western Virginia, I excitedly shrieked, "LOOK! Do you see how green the grass is?" It was just so beautiful for being an early June time of year! Everyone in the van, just stared at me and said, "No."
As I hyper-ly tried to explain, I remembered I had my glasses on! No wonder they didn't see what I saw! They needed my glasses! I tried my best to show my family it was not in my mind, it was really the glasses I was wearing.

They didn't believe me, as they love to tease, and this was the perfect opportunity to do so. Eventually, they all agreed my glasses did have the appearance, depending on some factors, (like who was looking thru them! HA) for a more colorful landscape.

As the years passed, if the opportunity was given, and I seen something different then they did, they would remark, "Oh no, Mom has her magic glasses on again," even if I did not. ;)

Sometimes it takes a while for others to see what we are really trying to show them.

Teasing aside, our health is a serious issue and should be taken seriously. It is difficult to toss our beloved foods that we have for years prepared and enjoyed consuming. Our beloved beverages, that we OH SO LOVE to consume! I know! I have been there. It is a hard thing.

It's even harder to face the reality that one day, due to our choices in diet, we will end up on medication or worse yet, in the grave at an early age.

I have been told before, "I do not care what is in the food, I only care about the way it tastes!" What a Bible study I could make out of that one statement!
There is much to share regarding the toxic manipulation of our vittles! I should get back to researching them so I can report it to you all :)

Jan 14, 2009

Hard Facts Can Save...your life

Have you heard the latest? High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is just sweetener made from corn and is perfectly fine to consume, in moderation! Isn't that so great? Aren't you so ah-sighted? (I hope I sound like an info-mercial on sugar!)

Historically Speaking

HFCS was invented by Richard O. Marshall and Earl R. Kooi in 1957, by adding animal derived enzymes to corn syrup to produce a product that was liquid sweet. Their goal was to create a product that had a longer shelf life and cost the food industry less to produce.
Note this as LOW quality food!

In the late 60's, Dr. Yoshiyuki Takasaki refined HFCS and introduced it into our foods where it has been increasingly added over the years, as has the obesity level and many other illnesses in the U.s

From what I have been reading, there are three enzymes that are added to create High Fructose Corn Syrup. Two of them are animal derived, which means it comes from animals. I am still researching this and trying to decipher what animal and organ of body this enzyme comes from.

In 1983 the FDA whose motto is: “We will never let the public’s health get in the way of corporate profit." Included HFCS to its long list of GRAS foods, "GRAS - Generally Recognized As Safe.”
Yes, I know, it has been declared safe by an organization that many deem trustworthy, all I can tell you is to research and know your facts.

One example - Around 1999, a product called Vioxx hit the market. It was FDA approved for safety, and heavily "pushed", I mean promoted, to patients and Dr's alike, by it's maker, Merck.
This "GRAS" drug, within five years time, was implicated in the deaths of OVER 60,000 people. It was taken off the market and within 3 months after the recall, put right back on, complete with the FDA approval.

It's Not so Bad, Or is It?

When we eat sugary foods, insulin is produced in our body. HFCS raises insulin levels for 3 times as long as regular table sugar. This allows our bodies three times longer for fats to be deposited into the waistline and other areas.
Upon consuming HFCS, guess where it heads? Straight to the liver The liver turns the liquid sweet into fat. It also puts a "pause" on our brains, holding back the signal that we are full. It inhibits the production of ghrelin, which is known as the hunger hormone and increases the production of leptin, known as the "I'm full" hormone.
This sweet toxin has been indicated in increased levels of artery clogging fats (triglycerides) which are responsible for heart disease and strokes.
I urge you to think about this for one moment! If, and we'll just say IF for the "hecklers" sake, HFCS does contribute to obesity and obesity can cause other health issues, WHY are we allowing this in our home?

Buyer Beware

HFCS is made from corn, genetically modified might I add, and is found in nearly all foods. It is even hidden in the foods we consume by other names, sounds like MSG doesn't it?
From soft drinks to baby formula, we are poisoning ourselves from the cradle to the grave (HEY! good title for a book!)
Any ingredient with HFCS needs to go! That's right, say bye-bye to soda's, KOOL-AID, fruit punch, some mayo's, ketchups, relish, YOGURT, breads, bakery products and more! Are you wondering what you will feed the family? Don't worry! remember, I have been there, so I have a plan! (See me grinning?)

Be Watchful

High Fructose Corn Syrup goes by its own name and a few alias:
HFCS, fructose, modified corn starch, inulin, iso glucose, glucose-fructose syrup, and fruit fructose

Stock your cupboards and fridge with good foods! Try to buy organic when you can, you may feel the 20 cent plus increase per item but it is worth the extra expense.

I physically cannot put products that contain bad ingredients in my buggy. I have tried to buy the lesser and it physically sickens me, it goes right back on the shelf!
My brain power exceeds the "safe" zone, my boys will bare witness. A few years ago, they would bring me "good deal" drinks (gatorade, "healthy" juices, etc) that all contained HFCS. Not only would I show them the colors (which are dangerous to their health), but the other unhealthy sludge that made up this great beverage. They caught on rather quick.

Jon and I recently were shopping for tomato paste, sounds simple enough right? Wrong! Four brands, all the same size (small), all inexpensive (under $1), but three contained 4 plus ingredients to include HFCS and MSG. This was just tomato paste, not flavored. I left the store with 1 - 6oz can of Contadina tomato paste. Ingredients? Tomatoes.

A Few Sweet Tips

Juicy Juice is a better bet then kool-aid. Not from concentrate juices are also an extra expense, but well worth the money, you can always dilute the not from concentrate juices with a little water added to your child's cup to lessen the sugar content.

Cereals - besides the regular oatmeal etc, options. We enjoy, Mother's Best found at Super Walmart, Safeway and Farm Fresh for $2.50 and under. This brand seems to be very family friendly. From raisin bran to Marshmell-O's (one of my favorites!)

Yogurt - Stoneyfield Farms and Brown Cow, Danon All Natural Low Fat Vanilla
*some of the above do contain sugar, my gripe is not with sugar but the high content of HFCS that is found in everything. A sugar post is in the works.

Besides Walmart (which I cannot stand), Safeway and Farm Fresh have a few healthy items that are economically priced. O Organics has some good chip choices and condiments, some of their salad dressings are ok too. Home made dressing is always cheaper and yummier though (coming soon)

For that soda lover - Look, I'm going to be up front with you. I hope by now you can appreciate my straight forward honesty? :) If you cannot get rid of your addiction (fess up, isn't that really what it is?) and you want to be healthy, try Hansen's Natural Soda and remember, your addiction will cost you :) Either in the pocket now by purchasing Hansen's ;) or later in medical bills - Coke. Pepsi, Etc.

The Sad Truth

Over the last 40 years we have seen an increase in obesity, infertility, cancer, heart attacks, strokes, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, accelerated bone loss?...You get the point? HFCS and many other FDA "approved" ingredients are assisting in taking years away from each of us. I say assisting due to one vital fact, it is our choice on whether or not to allow this food in our home. At what point will we say enough is enough? It's time we take responsibility for our families health and not leave it to the makers of the "food" industry.

Don't be deceived, your life does depend on it - no pun intended!

Critically Yours

Over the years I have enjoyed sharing my healthy discoveries with all who will listen. Yes, there were some that could really care less, but I told them anyway ;) It was for their own good! HA!

There always seems to be a mind set that tosses back at me, "The air your breathing is not healthy, what are you going to do about that?" or "My granpa and his granpa ate those foods and they didn't have health issues." or the classic, "Why waste money on organic foods, how do you know it is better?"
I usually, slowly, try to re-explain why I feel so concerned about the foods we consume.

If you have ten areas of concern in your life and you can eliminate eight of those, shouldn't you? I cannot do anything about the air we breathe outside of my home, but I can eliminate how much toxic garbage we inhale in the home and educate my family on the dangers of the outside air.

Example: If we see someone smoking, we do all we can to avoid their air. I don't want to inhale, their exhale! Ewwwww!!

As far as their granpa and great-granpa having no health issues, yet consumed the same foods as they now do. They are deceived. If they really think their kin consumed the same foods as they do, a look back into the food industry will prove otherwise.
Each year more chemicals are added to our foods (in one way or another), so there is no way possible for the bologna that granpa ate to be the exact same bologna that is consumed today.

Ganically' speaking- How do they know its not better? We have friends who sell their homone injected, pus filled, etc milk, from their cows to a large company. My friend has said to me, she wouldn't even buy their milk. She only allows her children small portions of milk to drink from their cows on a daily basis. That speaks to me.

We have had the great opportunity to purchase raw organic milk from a dairy that sells their milk to a large organic milk company. Their cows were cleaner, out to pasture, the barn was well kept and they were very clean in their practice of retrieving the milk for our usage. I choose Ganic' any chance I get!

There is always a critic, or can I call them a heckler :)

I'm back to work on more research...until then...

Jan 1, 2009


Soy was made for consumption during the late Chou dynasty, 1134 - 246 B.C. The Chinese fermented soybeans to create foods similiar to tempeh, natto and tamari.

Many state that since it has been used for years it must be safe to eat, however modern soy foods fermented to neutralize the toxins in the soybeans and are processed in a way that depletes proteins and increases levels of carcinogens.

Soybeans are not loaded with proteins as other beans. Soybeans are deficient in
sulfur-containing amino acids methionine and cystine. During processing they are robbed of lysine. Lysine is an essential amino acid and is necessary for optimal growth in childhood. (yet we have soy formula- is your thinker thinking yet?)

There is a compound in soy that resembles the vitamin B12, however it is not B12, so it cannot be used by the human body; in fact, soy foods cause the body to require more B12.

What's in that bottle?? Soy formula? All soy foods contain trypsin inhibitors; (these are chemicals that reduce the avalibilty of trypsin, an enzyme essential to nutrition.) Trypsin
inhibits protein digestion and adversely affect pancreatic function.

Doctor's would like us to believe that soy is the best preventer for osteoporosis, yet soy causes deficiencies in vitamin D and calcium, both are vital for healthy bones.
And remember, soy is a carcinagen, a substance or agent causing cancer.

Soy has been promoted for women as it raves its many benefits: from bone building to libido enhancing.
What they don't tell you, is that soy is documented for stimulating the growth of estrogen dependent tumors, thyroid problems, autoimmune disorders, low thyroid function...It can prevent ovulation, stimulate the growth of cancer cells, create infertility and lowers testosterone levels in men.

I have found more dangers in this product then benefits. My suggestion is to steer clear of any soy and soy family products.

Educate Yourself

FDA - do a search - soy and dangers of

Dr. Mercola

Worth looking into

A Labour of Love

Labour of love - productive work performed voluntarily without material reward or compensation

There are many ways, every day, that we show our family that we love them. Small and large tokens of our time are given to those we adore.

I remember a day, not so long ago, where I was busy rolling out pizza dough, someone I loved inquired about what I was making? I told them, I was creating pizza with love. Ever had pizza with love?

A few years pass, my husband awakes the next morning to find me still online, researching, just where he left me the night before. :) He asked me, concerned, what was I doing? I let him know that I was lovingly laboring, gaining the knowledge I needed to help my family eliminate an unhealthy diet.

For almost a decade, my researching has dug deeply to unearth the toxic elements that are around us on a daily basis. From power lines to the foods we consume, there are many hours spent learning about these topics.
At first I was in fear, I felt powerless having opened pandoras box in a sense. Then I become pretty mad, furiously so; how dare I be kept in the dark regarding the hazards that can effect my entire family! Just like with many things, the truth is out there, we just have to want to know about it.

After the maddness left, I was then able to do something, which I did. I cleared the cupboards of all that was not fit for consumption. I started using my meat money in the produce section, that was where we spent the largest amount of money, fresh veggies and fruits.

Think about it, what we put in our body will be what we get out of it. Too many diseases have been linked to what we allow to pass thru our lips. What we consume, may consume us in the long run.
I am hoping the information I share here will be a blessing to your home in some way.